Please drive carefully, especially tomorrow!

Friday it seems is the day drivers are more likely to crash

When you’re out and about on the roads tomorrow please take extra care, as it’s been found that drivers are 22% more likely to have an accident on a Friday compared to any other day of the week.
According to new research it could be related to the fact that the roads are much busier these days and many motorists make more and longer journeys on a Friday.
The young driver insurance company Ingenie reported that drivers are one fifth more likely to be involved in a crash on a Friday than any other day of the week.

Please drive carefully, especially tomorrow!

Friday it seems is the day drivers are more likely to crash © Copyright Lewis Clarke and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence.

The company used telematics data from over 100,000 of their customers as part of the study who use on-board ‘black boxes’ to monitor their driving in exchange for reduced premiums and also looked at customer claims.
They discovered that motorists in the UK make 13% more journeys on a Friday, plus the journey tends to be 3% longer on this day also.
And according to the report, even if the roads were less busy, motorists would still have a 9% higher chance of having an accident per mile on a Friday.
Yet despite these findings, their data also found that drivers seem to practice their best road skills on this day – lowering their incidences of both harsh braking and cornering by 3%, whilst harsh accelerating was reduced by 5% on average.
“Fridays are when the roads are busiest, with motorists travelling home, or going away for the weekend, and as a result, you’re 22 per cent more likely to be involved in a road accident at the end of the week,” said Selim Cavanagh, chief executive at Ingenie.
These revelations about Friday being the day you’re more likely to be involved in an accident doesn’t mean you should pay less attention on the other six days of the week – it’s important to stay alert and drive carefully at all times, particularly so when the roads are busy.
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