Google self-driving car involved in collision

Tech giant is to meet with California DMV to discuss liability

Google has confirmed that one of its self-driving vehicles was involved in a collision with a bus in the US state of California last month.
The collision took place on 12 February when the autonomous car, travelling at a speed of 2mph, pulled out into the path of a public bus travelling at 15mph. The human inside the self-driving car at the time of the accident, thought that the bus was going to slow down to allow it through and for this reason, he did not engage the override option.
Fortunately, no one in the car or bus was injured as a result of the collision, which took place near Google headquarters in Mountain View, California. Google believes that its autonomous vehicle is not wholly responsible for the collision and the tech firm will be meeting with California’s Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to discuss where liability lies.
There have been a number of minor auto accidents involving the Google self-driving car (which has amassed over 1million miles travelling throughout the US states), however, until now, none of these have been blameable on Google, but on the other motorists involved.
A report released by Google following the collision, states that it has adjusted the “algorithm” of its driverless cars, so that they will now “more deeply understand that buses (and other large vehicles) are less likely to yield to us than other types of vehicles”.
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