Be The Queen of Confidence Whilst Out on The Road With These Top Safety Tips
As International Women’s Day was celebrated on 8th March, we thought this week would be the best time to alert ladies of all ages who get behind the wheel of a car on how you can stay safe on the roads.
Whether you travel to and from work every day in your car or visit friends and family for fun and catch-up time together or for whatever reason you may have to jump in your car, you should think about safety in the event of an emergency.
Drive happy – 10 essential things every woman should keep in her car!
Not only should you carry the essentials in your car to help in the event of something happening to it, you should also consider what things you might need to have with you that would help make the situation a lot easier to cope with for yourself.
You never know what might happen as you travel alone or with other passengers, that’s why we’ve compiled our very own list of 10 essential things every woman should keep in her car at all times.
10 Essential Things Every Woman Should Keep In Her Car:
1. First Aid Kit – an essential item that should be kept in your car at all times. Make sure it’s kept fully stocked, so in the event of a medical emergency you’ve got everything you need.
2. Blankets/Towels – these can be stored in your boot out of the way. Even during the warmer months, it can still feel a little nippy in the early hours, whilst a towel is handy for cleaning up spills or for sitting on if necessary.
3. A Ready-for-Anything Back Pack – basically, pack anything that could be handy if the worst was to happen and you had to spend an unplanned night away from home. A change of clothes and underwear is vital, as well as a pair of flat shoes, hairbrush, deodorant and a mini cosmetic case.
Hand sanitiser, tissues, hair ties, bottled water, long-life snacks, mints for fresh breath and period protection are all essential items to keep in your ready-for-anything back pack.
4. Charging Components – keep all your batteries charged up by ensuring you have a jump starter kit and a USB charger in your car at all times.
5. Sun Protection – you should always carry a pair of sunglasses in your car to keep the glare of the sun out of your eyes. During the warmer months, it might be an idea to carry some sunblock just in case.
6. Spare Tyre & Accessories – every car should have a spare tyre in the boot and this should be in excellent condition. A car jack should be with your spare tyre for your convenience. Knowing how to change your own car tyre is something that every driver should want to be able to do.
7. Torch, Extra Batteries and A Small Screwdriver Set – a torch is a really important item to keep in your car. Don’t rely on your mobile phone for providing light, as it could run out of battery but of course, so can your torch, so always carry extra batteries too.
A small screwdriver set is handy for any little jobs that might occur whilst in your car.
8. Owner’s Manual & Contact Numbers – keep this in your glove box so that you can refer to it if the need arises. Any contact numbers can be kept in the owner’s manual – these could be a family member or friends telephone number or the number of your breakdown service provider.
Keeping a pen and small notepad in your glove box is useful if you have to scribble something down.
9. Hidden Cash – we live in a world that mainly uses cards but you never know when cash might come in handy. Keep some emergency cash in your car in a place that’s out of sight such as under a mat or in the mirror of your sun shade.
10. Umbrella & Waterproofs – it’s the UK, so these items should be kept in your car all year round. In the event of an emergency, you’ll be able to stay dry until help arrives.
Of course, when you lease a new car from Flexed, your contract will include breakdown cover and vehicle maintenance, so if the worst was to happen, you know we’ve got you covered.
UK road tax, manufacturer warranty and 1,250 miles a month (additional mileages available) are also included as part of your lease contract, plus we now offer Fully Comprehensive insurance cover with our new Car Subscription service – please click here for more details and to see if you are eligible.
So what are you waiting for ladies, give us a call TODAY to begin your car leasing journey with Flexed – 0800 311 8290. For peace of mind, you’ll be driving a new car with all the benefits included to enjoy a happy, stress-free and safe journey every time.
Please click here to find out more about our car leasing services and fantastic offers for both Business and Personal use, or give us a call TODAY on 0800 311 8290.
Drop us a quick email to or chat with a member of our team NOW using our online ‘We Are Here!’ service – we’ll gladly answer any leasing questions you may have.