British drivers consider themselves the best in Europe

The Brits are the most skilled motorists, according to a recent survey of 1,000 drivers
In a recent survey carried out by a car rental firm analysing driving habits and driver nationality, 65% of those who took part said they believed British motorists to be the most accomplished road users in Europe.
We at do realise the survey could be slightly biased, as the company questioned 1,000 British drivers, however, we would have expected the percentage to be even higher than it was.
The survey involved drivers from the UK who have experienced driving on European roads and while 65% thought the Brits were the best, some modest UK motorists gave the top spot to drivers from fellow European nations.

British drivers consider themselves the best in Europe

Brits believe we’re the best drivers in Europe © Copyright Jaggery and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence

It was the Germans who claimed the second highest percentage following the Brits, with 23% of those surveyed saying that motorists from the land of BMW, Audi and Porsche possessed superior skills behind the wheel. In third place, with a respectable 5% of the votes, was Ireland.
However, when it came to the land of Ferrari, the surveyed Brits were not so complimentary, with Italian drivers receiving 52% of the votes for being the worst nationality with whom to share the roads. French drivers received 18% of the vote, while Spaniards came in third with 15%.
Despite British motorists claiming to be the top road users on this continent, many also admitted to committing a number of ill-advised driving offences, including enjoying a culinary snack whilst in control of a vehicle – an offence to which a total of 15% of the 1,000 surveyed people pleaded guilty.
This is however much lower than in France and Spain, where 46% and 41% respectively claim to eat whilst driving.
Other transgressions from British drivers include: applying make-up (6%), reading a traditional map (13%) and engaging in “passionate” activity with a partner whilst driving, an offence which 4% of Brits claimed to have committed.
Of course, a similar survey carried out in France or Italy would produce very different results. Indeed, another recent survey by an insurance firm, shows that UK drivers understand only half of road signs in France, so perhaps our neighbours over the Channel aren’t quite so enamoured with our motoring skills as we are ourselves.
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