Road deaths fell by 2 per cent in 2015

Figures from the Department of Transport reveal that road deaths dropped by 2% in 2015

The latest figures released by the Department for Transport reveal that 1,732 people died in 2015 while driving on British roads; a decrease of 2% compared to the previous year.
While still too high, this number is the second lowest on record after 2013, when 1,713 motorists and passengers died on British roads.
Despite recording a 2% decrease compared to 2014, the UK Government has been criticised by road safety organisations, which believe the government should be doing more to decrease road fatalities.
According to road safety experts, a 2% decrease is not enough when one considers that there was a 17% decrease in road fatalities recorded in 2010 compared with the 2009 fatality rate.
The relatively static figures recorded since 2011 have been branded “five years of flat-lining on road deaths” and road safety organisations want the government to consider imposing tougher measures to increase the safety on British roads.
This could mean harsher penalties for speeding, an increase of transport police presence and a reduction in the drink-driving limit to correlate with that practised in Scotland.
In addition to the 2% drop in road fatalities, the Department for Transport figures showed that road casualties fell by 4% in 2015. A total of 186,209 road casualties and a drop of 3% in the number of serious injuries were recorded in 2015.
It was in the South East of England were the most number of deaths occurred on the roads, followed by East England and the North West of England. Overall, Scotland recorded the best improvement, with a 19% drop in road accident fatalities.
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