Transport Minister hints at drink-driving limit reduction

The drink-driving limit in England and Wales could be reduced to 50mg

Ministers within the UK Government have suggested that the drink-driving limit in England and Wales could be reduced to meet the current limit set by the Scottish Government.
At present, motorists in England and Wales are not allowed to drive an auto vehicle if their Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) exceeds 80mg per 100ml of blood. Scotland reduced its drink-driving limit from 80mg to 50mg per 100ml of blood in 2014, meaning that driving is illegal after about one pint of beer or glass of wine, depending upon the individual’s metabolism.

Drink-driving limit could be cut to 50mg

Drink-driving limit could be reduced

The current limit in England and Wales is one of the highest within Europe, where most countries set a limit of 50mg, but other countries in the EU, including Hungary, Czech Republic and Slovakia, operate a zero drink while driving policy.
Figures show that there were 240 deaths and 1,080 serious injuries sustained as a result of drink-driving in England and Wales in 2014. In the first nine months after the limit reduction in Scotland, police reported a 12.5% decrease in drink-driving offences.
When questioned about the possibility, Transport Minister Andrew Jones, said that he will be meeting with Derek Mackay, the Scottish Transport Minister, in order to discuss the issue and “base our decisions on evidence and the Scottish experience”.
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