Rise Of The EVs – The UK's Electric Power Surge

It’s no secret that electric vehicle popularity is on the rise. The UK alone has seen a huge increase in the number of people looking to adopt the greener form of transportation in their lives.

But it’s not just consumers either. Electric vehicles have become the choice of fleets and businesses up and down the country, whilst a vast increase in the infrastructure required for electric cars, such as an increase in the quantity of public charge points and new building regulations that require the installation of EV chargers in all new home builds, all signify huge improvements and popularity boosts for EVs in the UK.

We’ve put together some of the key contributors as to why electric cars have seen such an increase in the UK in the infographic below.

Want to see the benefits of going electric for yourself? Take a look at our electric vehicle range available for flexible short term leasing and car subscriptions right now!


Find out more about our car leasing services and fantastic offers for both Business and Personal use. Give us a call today on 0800 311 8290.

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