Really!! A lamp post in the road instead of on the path – how bizarre!

Motorists in the area have had to swerve out of its way for the past two months!

Ever seen a lamp post stuck in the road? Not many of us have, however motorists in a small town have been forced to drive around one for the past two months.

Drivers have been forced to swerve out of the way of the lamp post planted on the corner of the road. The lamp post sits in the middle of Padgbury Lane, in Congleton, Cheshire and has been a source of frustration and amusement for locals, that’s until one resident decided he’d had enough and it was time for it to go.

Lucien Cooper, aged 52, posted a photograph of the ridiculously positioned lamp post on Facebook, which is all it took for something to be finally done about it.

Vehicles in the area have had to swerve out of its way for the past two months!

Really!! A lamp post in the road instead of on the path – how bizarre! © Copyright Facebook

Safety barriers were put up around the lamp post last week and not long after it was removed altogether.

The 52-year-old artist from Congleton said: “It has been a curious thing. I thought it was stupidly placed and wondered why it hadn’t been bollarded off and why it took so much time,” said the 52-year-old artist from Congleton, adding: “They could have done it sooner.”

It seems that the lamp post in question was originally on a pavement but the pavement was removed, however the lamp post was not taken out and placed on the new pavement but left stuck in the middle of the road by workers – for two months!

Earlier this week, more bewildered locals from the area took to social media to have their say about the lamp post which was left stuck in the middle of the road and a danger to motorists.

One user on Facebook wrote: ‘I’m laughing, but it really isn’t funny. How the hell did that get left there?? Unbelievable and incredibly dangerous.. wow’

You might be shocked to find that this isn’t the first time a lamp post has caused confusion after being placed in a stupid and dangerous place in the road.

Back in 2016, motorists had to swerve onto the other side of the road to avoid hitting a lamp post which had been left in a strange position by workers in Woolwich, whilst in Northern Ireland in 2017, pedestrians had to find a new route around a lamp post that had been installed in the middle of a pavement on Millennium Way road in Lurgan.


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