New poll claims careless drivers are getting away with traffic offences

A lack of traffic police and a reliance on cameras are to blame

A new study claims careless drivers are getting away with traffic offences on a daily basis and a lack of traffic police is to blame.
According to two thirds of motorists questioned, there’s too much of a reliance on cameras and not enough traffic police on the roads, meaning that a good number of driving offences go un-noticed.
Drivers who feel it’s okay to tailgate or hog the middle lane are basically getting away with it as a result.

New poll claims careless drivers are getting away with traffic offences

New poll claims careless drivers are getting away with traffic offences – a lack of traffic police and a reliance on cameras is to blame © Copyright Brian Robert Marshall and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence.

Of the 19,500 people taking part who were asked which offences did they feel other drivers might get away with, 65% said motorists guilty of careless driving, such as middle lane hogging and tailgating, were the ones most unlikely to be caught.
Around 55% believed that drivers could escape being caught driving a car that wasn’t road worthy, whilst 54% thought it was still possible to use a mobile phone whilst driving without being noticed.
The AA were responsible for the study and also discovered that 65% of drivers believed there was no visible signs of any police presence on roads in their area, whilst another 43% said no visible presence was seen on the motorways either.
According to figures released in 2017 by the Press Association, the number of traffic police in the UK has decreased by a third within a decade, from 3,766 in 2007 to 2,643 in 2017.
Those taking part in the survey seemed to be of the opinion that the only solution is to bring back bobbies on the beat in our local areas, as just 45% said they would like to see Highways England traffic officers given greater powers, whilst only 32% thought handing over power to community support officers was the way to go.
“It is worrying that drivers feel that a lack of police officers on the roads means they think they can get away with careless driving and other serious motoring offences… Big Brother can only do so much; we need more cops in cars,” said AA president Edmund King.
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