Motorists in Scotland found to be the ones most likely to have a driving conviction

And speeding is the worst of all driving convictions across the country

New data gathered by has found that motorists in Scotland are the ones most likely to have a driving conviction compared to the rest of the country.
The UK price comparison site asks users for information regarding motoring offences when they complete an online quote and discovered that 2.75% of full UK driving licence holders in Scotland currently has a driving conviction.
MoneySupermarket looked at 75 million separate quotes on their website within a three year period, from 1 May 2014 to 30 April 2017 to find out this information.
They also found that speeding was the worst of all driving conviction types, accounting for a massive 72.23% of all offences.

and speeding is the worst of all driving convictions across the country

Motorists in Scotland found to be the ones most likely to have a driving conviction © Copyright Adrian Cable and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence.

Drivers in Wales came in second with 242 per 100,000, followed closely by motorists in the South West at 238 per 100,000 drivers.
According to, just 154 per 100,000 drivers in Greater London currently had a driving conviction.
The comparison website concluded that their data showed that it doesn’t matter which region of the country we live in, we’re a ‘nation in a rush behind the wheel’.
The study found of those motorists looking for a car insurance quote, 155 per 100,000 drivers had been caught for speeding.
The second most common type of driving conviction was related to licence or insurance issues (8.27%), whilst drink and drug-driving offences came third on 3.67%.
The comparison website also discovered that it was males who were most likely to have a driving conviction compared to women, however the rate of convictions for men is decreasing.
As far as age is concerned, drivers aged 25 to 29 are the ones most likely to have been convicted for a motoring offence, with 20 to 24 year-olds following closely behind.
The study discovered that 275 per 100,000 drivers in Scotland had a current conviction on their licence, much higher than any other region in the UK.
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