Drivers in Brent handed out the most penalties for motoring offences

Study also showed drivers in Ealing weren’t too far behind their close neighbours

According to a recent study, the London Borough of Brent, in North West London, is home to the most drivers who’ve been issued with the highest number of motoring offences and the borough where drivers are more than likely going to receive a penalty fine.
The UK borough of Brent came out on top as the place that’s received the highest number of motoring offences – between 2014 and 2017, a staggering 537,128 motorists were handed a fine.

Study also showed drivers in Ealing weren't too far behind their close neighbours

Drivers in Brent handed out the most penalties for motoring offences © Copyright Julian Osley and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence.

The Borough of Ealing in West London wasn’t too far behind the chart topper, with over 200,000 fines received by drivers in the borough in 2016 alone.
The survey was carried out by a UK car company, who examined Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) handed out by 17 councils throughout the UK from January 2014 and March 2017. The research helped them to determine where and when drivers were most likely to be issued with a fine.
What the company did discover is that an alarming 2,752,900 were handed out during this time period – with a staggering 941,888 of these tickets issued in 2016 alone!
Brent, Croydon and Bristol were named as the places where motorists are more than likely going to be issued with a fine, with over one million PCNs handed out to motorists over the last three years alone.
Ealing, Newcastle and Enfield were not far behind the top three on the chart.
A massive 86,427 fines were handed out in just one month alone – in October 2016, which was the highest number of tickets issued during the last three years.
What’s even more worrying and alarming, is the fact that motorists in the UK could be handing out around £275,290,000 every year in fines if each person issued with one paid the maximum amount of £100.
The study also discovered which days are the ones drivers are most likely to ignore the laws of the road, compared to the days when they drive as they should.
The day the most parking fines were issued was a Saturday, when many of us are out on the road either shopping or enjoying some sort of weekend activity – 430,035 tickets were issued within the three year timeframe, 3% higher than on an average weekday with councils issuing 417,456 on these days.
According to their findings, Sunday drivers are the best behaved motorists – only 235,584 fines were handed out on a Sunday over the three year period. It seems that UK drivers are 44% less likely to be issued with a fine on a Sunday than on an average weekday.
Last year was one of the worst for PCN hand outs – a staggering £94,188,800 worth of tickets were issued throughout the UK over a 12 month period.
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