Diesel emissions investigation finds cars producing over the legal limit

UK government diesel emissions investigation reveals worrying ‘real world’ nitrogen oxide levels

The UK Government has carried out an inquiry into diesel vehicle emissions following last year’s Volkswagen diesel scandal which rocked the motoring world.
The report, published by the Department for Transport, reveals that the 37 best-selling diesel models, tested on behalf of the UK government, exceeded the nitrogen oxide emissions limit when they were tested in real world conditions.
All vehicles meeting the Euro 5 regulations emitted more nitrogen oxide during real road tests than when they were tested in the laboratory. According to the report, some of the vehicles emitted more than 12 times the legal limit of nitrogen oxide.
The legal limit currently stands at 180mg/km. The worst performer in the government enquiry, the Vauxhall Insignia, emitted 1,800mg of nitrogen oxide per kilometre. The Citroen C4 was the best performer of the 37 best-selling vehicles, but even this model was three times over the limit.
The new vehicles tested, which have been manufactured to meet the European Union’s Euro 6 standards, also failed to record less than the 80mg/km in real world conditions, despite achieving this limit in laboratory conditions.
The UK Government spent £1m on the emissions inquiry as it attempts to lead Europe in the push towards “real-world emissions tests”, which the British Transport Secretary, Patrick McLoughlin, said will help “reduce harmful emissions, improve air quality and give consumers confidence in the performance of their cars”
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