Could Your Bad Driving Habits Be Stopping You From Finding Love?

Here we Reveal the Least Desirable Motoring Habits Amongst Brits That Could be Keeping You Single!


According to a new study which was carried out by National Tyres and Autocare, your bad driving habits might not just anger other road users but could even be a turn-off for a potential love interest.

The study discovered that tailgating was one of the biggest no-no’s, with a whopping 45.8% of Brits prepared to take the next exit if their date for the night drives too close to the vehicle in front.

Not far behind pole position was failing to indicate, with almost a quarter switching off the love lights if the date they were driving with didn’t use the correct signals.

In third place was slow driving, with 15.4% saying they’d rather their date get caught for speeding than drive at a snail’s pace everywhere.

Yet despite all these findings, 14% would rather have a Sunday driver than a boy racer to drive off into the sunset with.

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Lease a new Fiat 500 convertible from Flexed and make the right first impression on a date!

Another interesting discovery from the study, was that the car you drive could also be keeping you single.

If you drive a van, things aren’t looking good, as 46% of Brits said that driving a practical vehicle leaves the worst impression on a date.

What was surprising to discover, is that after vans, other vehicles that came in as the least desirable were people-carriers, sports cars and two-seaters – of which the sports car is a real shock and so too the two-seater, as it seems to be made for love with no room in the back for anyone else to tag along on a date.

If you drive a convertible though, you’re in with a big chance of finding love, as these summer motors give off the best first impression – so what are you waiting for, get in touch with Flexed today to enquire about leasing a new convertible, call 0800 311 8290 NOW!

When it comes to what your car looks like when your date climbs in the passenger seat, it seems that 44.8% of you are instantly turned off by a car interior that looks like a tip.

However, in comparison, just 6% of Brits would muddy the waters if the exterior of the car was dirty, so it’s an idea to keep both the inside and outside clean, fresh and vacuumed.

What could do exactly that and turn a possible good date bad is spoilers, as almost a quarter (21.9%) confessed that car mods do nothing to get them in the mood for romance.

And despite hybrid or an electric car being good for the environment, they could make you two-thirds less attractive than someone who drive a petrol or diesel car.

So what make of car does get a date all revved up and ready for the next one? It’s an Audi, with a third of the 1,000 Brits taking part in the poll choosing it over all the others.

Not far behind Audi was yet another German car, the Mercedes-Benz which scored 29.6%, whereas Tesla only managed 20% of a dates interest.

If you’ve got a date this weekend and would love to make it to a second one, why not lease a new car from Flexed from anywhere between 28 days to 12 months or longer.

We have a wide range of new cars to choose from which you can view here. This page is updated regularly with all the current models we have available to lease at any one time. Of course, if you can’t see the exact model that you think will impress your love interest on a first date, please get in touch and we’ll do everything we can to find the right vehicle for you – call 0800 311 8290.



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