Around 2.3 million cars in the UK show incorrect mileages

Yet only 140 prosecutions have been brought over the past 5 years

According to figures obtained by the Times through a number of Freedom of Information requests, only 140 prosecutions have been brought for car clocking since 2012.
Despite around 2.3 million cars in the UK displaying incorrect mileages, just 140 prosecutions have been brought for the offence in the last five years.
The problem is policed by local councils whose responsibility it is to find offenders however, one in five have failed to bring just one prosecution since 2012, whilst one out of three has investigated less than one per year.

Around 2.3 million cars in the UK show incorrect mileages

Around 2.3 million cars in the UK show incorrect mileages, yet only 140 prosecutions have been brought over the past 5 years

Only 117 out of the 140 prosecutions brought resulted in a conviction, despite the fact that around 1,300 cars were involved in the cases.
These figures however contradict former research by car history company HPI, who discovered that one in 16 cars had an illegally altered mileage reading in 2016 – a rise from one in 20 back in 2014, which equates to around 2.3 million cars on UK roads showing incorrect mileages.
This in turn means that an estimated 0.065% of cases successfully went to court.
According to HPI, car clocking could be costing motorists more than £800 million a year.
One reason attributed to the increase in car clocking is that more cars are now fitted with digital odometers, which has led to mileage correction companies starting up, providing a mileage altering service to the public.
Mileage correction companies could be stopped by May 2018 if the European Union gets its way, with the UK’s retail industry in full support.
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