Warning: Using your mobile phone in the passenger seat could land you a fine and penalty points!

Buy why if you aren’t the one driving and under what circumstances can you be penalised?

Drivers in the UK are being warned about using their mobile phone whilst in the passenger seat, as you could be issued with a £200 fine and six penalty points but why if you’re not the one driving?

We should all be aware by now about the laws regarding driving whilst using a mobile phone; that you could face a £200 fine and six points on your licence if caught on your device whilst in control of a vehicle but what many motorists in the UK are unaware of, is that you could be penalised even if you’re not the one driving.

If you decide as a fully qualified driver yourself to take a learner out onto the road and act as their supervisor/instructor, then you could be issued with a fine and penalty points if caught using your mobile phone from the passenger seat, the same as if you were the one driving.

The same law applies because whilst you’re acting as an instructor, it is you who’s legally responsible for the car.

Therefore, if you’re teaching a friend or a family member to drive, by law you must not touch your mobile phone whilst in the passenger seat of the car with the learner driver.

Warning: Using your mobile phone in the passenger seat could land you a fine and penalty points!

Those in the passenger seat are being warned about using their mobile phone but why? © Copyright Basher Eyre and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence.

When supervising a learner driver you need to stay focused on them and the road ahead, monitoring their driving at all times ready to alert them if an emergency situation arises.

If you supervise a learner driver, you are breaking the law if you use your mobile phone whilst the person learning is driving.


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