The self-driving trucks will be able to follow the bin men down the street like a dog
AI technology could soon be used in rubbish collecting trucks, as Volvo announce plans to introduce self-driving trucks in the UK to collect household rubbish.
The new technology is being developed and tested by Volvo, in collaboration with the Swedish waste and recycling company Renova.
The intelligent trucks will have the ability to follow the bin man down the street whilst they go from house to house to collect the rubbish bins. AI technology means that the bin man won’t have to keep jumping out of his truck, or make sure he has a driver to work alongside him.
“It follows when he is collecting garbage bins – like as if it was his dog,” said Volvo’s chief technology officer, Lars Stenqvist.
At the moment, the technology is still in the research, design and testing stages and no discussions have been made with any local authorities or contractors in the UK.
However, Volvo Group are hoping this new move will be a step closer to automated and electrical equipment in towns and cities all over Europe.
The truck will use sensors and GPS to map every new neighborhood it covers on its collection round. It will be able to reverse and follow the bin man/woman as they walk down the road collecting household bins, meaning they won’t have to spend their time walking around the truck, plus it will reduce the amount of times he/she has to keep jumping in and out of the truck.
According to Volvo, this new technology could make bin collections much safer for the bin men/women and for anyone in the area.
The trials are set to run up until the end of this year.
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