The RHA and RAC join forces to tackle sleep disorders

Their goal is to raise awareness of sleep disorders such as obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome (OSAS)

The Road Haulage Association (RHA) and the RAC have come together to help raise awareness of sleep disorders that may be going undiagnosed, leaving drivers who may be suffering from such conditions a danger to themselves and other road users.
The AAA Foundation claim through research, that driving with some form of sleep disorder, such as obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome (OSAS), can be compared to driving whilst drunk.

Their goal is to raise awareness of sleep disorders such as obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome (OSAS)

The RHA and RAC join forces to tackle sleep disorders Ā© Copyright Roy Hughes and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence

According to the RAC, those drivers waiting to be seen for such conditions at the moment, are expected to have to wait months to receive treatment, so the breakdown company and delivery driver group are asking that the waiting time for treatment be limited to just four weeks from first being diagnosed to receiving treatment.
Those suffering from the sleep disorder OSAS, might not be aware that they have the condition, which means they could start to feel very sleepy and very well fall asleep whilst in control of a vehicle.
The RAC and RHA are working alongside the Obstructive Apnoea Partnership Group in an effort to push through the four-week limit with the Department of Health.
The companies are also pressing for ministers to push the issue forward as a matter of urgency.
Nicolas Lyes, spokesman for the RAC roads policy, said: “Drivers are vital to the health and growth of the UK’s economy, so it’s only right that those behind the wheel are safe and aware of any health threats that might impair their driving ability.”
Mr Lyes also added that a condition such as obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome can affect anyone at any time, no matter what their driving abilities and experience on the road may be. For this reason, it’s vital that those suffering from such sleep disorders should receive fast-track diagnosis and treatment within a four-week period, to ensure they can get get safely back behind the wheel in a much shorter time.
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