New blood test to be developed by scientists which can identify whether a driver is too tired to be behind the wheel

And can also inform employers as to whether their staff members are fit enough to work

Police in the near future might be able to identify motorists who are too tired to drive with the help of a new blood test which will also inform employers as to whether their staff members are fit enough to be at work.

Scientists based at the Sleep Research Centre at the University of Survey enlisted the help of 36 fit and healthy adults to examine how sleep deprivation could be identified in their blood.

As part of the study, a number of those taking part were asked to stay awake for 40 hours, after which blood samples were taken from them and changes in thousands of genes were looked at and measured.

And can also inform employers as to whether their staff members are fit enough to work

New blood test to be developed by scientists which can identify whether a driver is too tired to be behind the wheel.

According to the study which was published in the journal Sleep, 68 genes were identified by a computer program which showed whether a sample came from a person suffering from sleep-deprivation or a person who was well-rested.

Following on from these results, scientists are hoping they will be able to develop the test so that it can identify exactly how little or how much sleep a person has actually had.

Back in 2015, figures recorded fatigue as a related factor in 4% of road deaths and 2% off all road casualties, however the correct total is thought to be much higher as fatigue is considerably harder to detect compared to alcohol and drugs, with no test currently available for police to use.


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