Are the AA replacing their traditional yellow vans with a new colour scheme?

They’ve been the same yellow for over 100 years, surely they’re not changing their identity now!

On a number of occasions over the past few days, AA vans had been spotted sporting a new look colour scheme that looks more like a rainbow of colour than the traditional one we’re used to seeing on the roads – a bright yellow!

Surely this doesn’t mean that after more than 100 years of painting their breakdown recovery trucks, vans and cars in the now easily recognised yellow, the company are going to opt for a brand new look?

A few images have appeared online showing AA vehicles sporting a brand new rainbow effect look, however, according to a company spokesman, this doesn’t mean that this is going to be a permanent change – phew!

The traditional yellow of AA vehicles has been around since the company was first founded back in 1905 but when a number of AA vans were spotted in Staffordshire and west Wales featuring a new large rainbow colour scheme on the back doors, running around to the sides and onto the bonnet too, shocked onlookers took to social media to reveal pictures of the new look vans.

Speculation began to grow as to whether the Automobile Association were on the verge of changing their instantly recognisable colour for a totally brand new look but their identity it seems is safe, as a spokesman for the brand confirmed that the splash of colour spotted by a few of you out there is part of the AA’s partnership with Pride of London.

The event is to take place on Saturday 7 July in the capital and the breakdown recovery group are a sponsor. By way of celebration, some of the AA’s patrol vehicles have been adorned with the new look rainbow effect colour scheme, with a number of them already out and about on the roads well in advance of the event date.

A spokesperson for the company said: “Conspicuity of our vans is always important as they need to stand out and be seen,” adding: “We’re very excited to be adding a big splash of colour and all things rainbow to our summer this year.”

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